Meeting Minutes
April 23rd, 2024
Spring Fling- Haley, Tiffany, Tara, Erin APRIL 29th
Still looking for more volunteers through sign up genius!
Sara has flowers for event, going to keep the décor simple
Bingo, raffle, face painting, balloon art, photo booth, plantar coloring, flower walk, concessions available but those aren’t for fundraising that just to break even on costs
EY Weekly Newsletter doing more promoting of event coming up as well as paper going home
BASKETS for Fundraising Raffle- Tiffany, Tara, & Erin putting together
Teacher Appreciation Week- Sylvia May 1st to May 5th
Need 10 vases: some are under Mrs. Estevez’ sink- Sara has extra
Karen will be updating the “Staff’s Favorite’s List”
Wilson Ortho wants to sponsor the event reached out to Irene – reimburse Social for lasagna
YearBook- April April 28th
Still needing photos from Mrs. Stephenson- Mr Wood will contact
5th Graders who have already placed orders will be reimbursed
Double check with staff on how many want to order
Fun Run- Haley May 19th
820 -9am k &1 run for 20 min 9-950 2nd /3rd run for 30 min 950-1040 4/5th run for 30 min
Keeping it simple with décor this year: Running shoes with names, class stations, otter pops for after. More time between each group for ease of transition.
Fundraising: still thinking we can get between $7-10,000
Next Week communication EY weekly VOLUNTEER REQUEST- 10 or less and easy to get
5Th Grade Promotion- April and Clarissa June 15th?
Anticipating: June 15th same as BBQ (waiting for bus scheduling) Meeting Mr Wood Thursday
Haley ordered-6 foldable tables 6 table cloths in blue!
End of Year BBQ- Haley June 15th
Should have enough parents who aren’t 5th grade parents who can help
March 19th, 2024
Spring Fling- (APRIL)- Haley- We are going to go with the April 27th date for this event as that is what will work for the face painters. We are going to have two face painters this time to help get everyone through the line faster (hopefully). We will have sign-up genius out soon. Communication will go out in the newsletter.
Staff Appreciation-(MAY)- with Sylvia being out of state, we are still looking for someone to take this on as a Coordinator. We do have a basic outline of what the week would look like.
Monday- Haley & Jessica will coordinate drinks & donuts.
Tuesday- communication about dressing like staff, or in their favorite color.
Wednesday-asking Social Goods about availability to donate for staff dinner.
Thursday- asking Sara McAleer is she is still onboard for Word Cloud.
Friday Luncheon-April will coordinate sign-up genius for baked potato bar.
Fun Run-(JUNE)-Haley- is being moved to June 7th to accommodate the 5th grader’s field day being held on May 31st. Haley will be meeting with Mrs. Harris to discuss what she needs/wants from the EYST and to get her perspective coming from another elementary school.
5th Grade Promotion-(JUNE)-We met with Mr Henderson and were given the go ahead to have the 5th Grade Promotion the same day as the end of year BBQ which is June 14th. We will start the promotion at 9am. It usually lasts about an hour.
End of Year BBQ-(JUNE)- We will have two waves with the first one starting at 10am. We will be needing volunteers to help with manning the BBQ from the District as well as tear down and clean up. We will hope to have everyone served by 11am as that is when dismissal will be (approximately).
Principal Update: Because we didn’t get to switch the meeting, the principal wasn’t able to attend. There are several things we need to go over- where are we on the sound system? Are there any beautification projects that would be helpful for the EYST to help with, or is there money needed for any beautification things around the school? Do we need new bark-chips for fun run?
Food Drive: Jessica Winner- thanks to everyone who helped make this possible!! We wound up with enough stuff to be able to stock our pantry for the rest of the year. We did have some very large containers of Sysco products that will be donated, anything not used, will be going to the food bank at the end of the year. We aren’t able to keep it in the school over the summer. Looking to do another Food Drive at the beginning of next year to be able to have the supplies to stock our pantry all school year.
Yearbook: April- we are coming down to the end now. April 22nd is the last day to be able to buy your yearbook as a “pre-sale” which guarantees that you will get one. We will have some available once they arrive and we will try and sell as many of those as possible as well. We decided to do a sign-up sheet for staff. Any staff who would like a yearbook will get one.
February 20th, 2024
EVENT Update:
Auction- Tiffany- Big THANK YOU to the committee as well as all the volunteers the day of the auction. We exceeded the $30,000 goal gross – bringing in $33,765 as well as $1,200 in sponsorships. There are still expenses of between $8-10K, so we are looking at a Net income of approximately $22,000. Expenses were higher this year as we invested in tablecloths and décor to be used for future auctions rather than renting. We sold 115 tickets and had over 100 attendees. There is one last Auction Committee meeting this weekend to reflect and recap- if you have any feedback, please contact Tiffany ( The committee is sending out receipts and ordering Thank you cards to be sent out. They will have the “Share the Love” theme but no year so they can be used in future years. Looking forward to next year’s auction we will keep the email We are already looking into venue the Cultural Center is available 1st and 8th but we may look into using the Water Oasis depending on pricing and availability. We won’t pick a date until next year’s District Calendar is published so we don’t compete with the 3-4 day weekends in early February. We are looking to stick with the “Share the Love” theme annually. The adjustable basketball hoops will be ordered as the funding was raised specifically for those. All other spending will need to go through cost/benefit analysis.
Feedback from those in attendance at meeting
- have an online option for those not able to attend
-more dessert options for those with food allergies/sensitivities
-more diversification of options for all price points and a variety of package options
Spring Fling - (APRIL)- Haley- there are two dates that could work for this event- Saturday, April 20th or Saturday, April 27th either day it would run from 3:30-5pm. Haley is going to check with facepainting and vendors, their availability will most likely determine the date. We are going to be selling pizza and ice cream and little snacks (reasonable pricing) again this time. Notifications will go out in the newsletter with a link for sign up genius, we will need volunteers for set-up, the activities, and tear down. We hope to utilize both indoor and outdoor covered spaces for activities. We need to double check with the district about the use of the cafeteria. It might be possible to just bring in a warmer for the pizza and only plug in things and not actually “use” the cafeteria equipment, just the space. We will have to have a more definite outline of what we want to do and what we can do in the space prior to the event.
Staff Appreciation -(MAY)- Sylvia- (6th-10th) will be out of town during this time. Sara McAleer had some great ideas for this year’s week of staff appreciation. Monday, keep with the coffee and a treat. Tuesday, dress like a teacher (or staff of your choice) or in their favorite color. Wednesday, we need to be in contact with Social Goods to see if they are still interested in doing a take-home meal for the staff. Thursday, we post word cloud (like what we do every year for our 5th graders) for each staff member. Sara is going to work on this with the students during recess times. Friday, we do the standard potluck sign up lunch for staff. Once we choose our theme (Baked potatoes and salad?) then we work up a menu and do a sign-up genius. There are 28 staff total and a couple of sensitivities and one allergy. Need a COORDINATOR-Please reach out if you are interested! 😊
Fun Run -(MAY)-Haley- the date is set for Friday May 31st. EYST is responsible for décor, water during the run, as well as the treat at the end of the students. This is also one of our big fundraisers for the year. Last year doing just the pledges we were able to bring in about 10k. We are going to stick with pledges again this year and not try for business sponsorships. We will save the business sponsorships for our Auction. Need a CO-Coordinator – looking for someone to work with Haley so they can take over the event next year. Students need to wear their Blue Ewing Young Shirt for this event. Reminders will be sent home prior. New Students and Kindergartners get shirts provided to them by the EYST. If your student needs a shirt, there is a charge. We would like to implement a new program, if you have a gently used shirt that your child has outgrown, and you would like to “recycle” your shirt please reach out.
5th Grade Promotion -(JUNE)- Cheryl, Rhiannon have agreed to help with this.
End of Year BBQ -(JUNE)- Haley and April need to meet with Mr. Henderson and go over what day this and if promotion will be able to take place on the same day like last year. We will need volunteers to help with this event once we have more information.
Principal Update: Mr. Henderson- has contacts for the 3 adjustable hoops he will investigate and have those ordered. We are also giving him the green light for sound system, those funds are now available since the auction. With any luck the new sound system should be installed in time for the music performances. We will also be removing the old system from the gym/auditorium area. Maintenance is helping put in the last new water station. Because staff meetings are twice a month on Tuesday (1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month) we are looking to move the EYST meeting to a different Tuesday.
Hospitality: Sylvia- there will be a yoghurt bar in the staff room this week!
Food Drive: April- Amy can’t be at the meeting today but wanted to know if we are able to go ahead with a food drive? Also, if anyone is interested in taking on that project? Jessica Winner has agreed to oversee this. This will be a food drive to help stock our own little food pantry that is out front. Looking to go with a “March Madness” kind of competition between the classrooms. Communication being sent out via the newsletter once we have a more concrete plan.
Yearbook: April- Firstly, congratulations to Rye Fisher who is the winner of our Yearbook Cover Contest. Her artwork will be featured on the cover of this year’s Yearbook. The yearbook is available for pre-order now. We will be sending out more information in the newsletter. Tiff has agreed to be our 2nd grade parent and Sylvia our 3rd grade parent to help with collage pages. We will look at setting up a date for a yearbook work session.
School Calm Down Room: Tiff- There was previously a space in the school where children could go outside of their classroom when necessary (to calm down before rejoining the class). Right now, each teacher has a designated space. Mr. Henderson has already been brainstorming a school wide space. The health room isn’t an option as this needs to be available should an emergency arise. Because of codes we aren’t allowed to add on to the school. Mr. Henderson will let us know how the EYST can help facilitate this.
January 23rd, 2024
EVENTS Updates:
Auction- Tiffany- We currently have sold $2870 in tickets- about 60- which is halfway to our max capacity. We are hoping for 100, as a minimum, for this event. We have 9 staff attending with 12 who have responded. There will be a survey sent out to see if any more wish to attend. We will be sending out another set of flyers this coming week, and there are text reminders and emails being sent as well. We also have a new reader board and yard signs coming soon. All tickets must be purchased by January 27th; that’s the day we need to have final count to Renegade Catering. For this year’s event we have teamed up with several of the High School Programs to get volunteers, in exchange we will be giving them donations to their programs. We will need a few volunteers which we will put out a sign- up genius closer to date. We will have Bubba be our MC. For entertainment there will be two artists doing art- that art will be being auctioned off at the end of the evening. Procurement has been great! We will have lots of wonderful excursions, packages, and then the student projects to be auctioned. If you have any donations they can be turned into the office, or you can contact Tiffany directly. The auction will only be in person this year- there will not be an option for online bidding. Seating will be assigned. There are 9 Class/School Projects in total that will be collected on Wednesday, January 31st or Friday, February 2nd at the latest. The next 11 days will be very exciting and busy.
Spring Fling- Haley- We will go ahead and do an event, with more information and discussions coming at the next couple of meetings. This is intended to be a community event, but we would like to wait until we can use both indoor and outdoor spaces. We will be looking for a date- after Spring Break- toward the end of April. It will most likely be a Saturday between 3-5pm as historically that is best for most to be able to attend. Again, more info to come at a later date.
OTHER Events:
Hospitality: Sylvia-
-STAFF GIFTS- We would like to give a BIG thank you to Cheryl and Rhiannon making the lovely gifts for staff before the holiday. They made- soup mix, bowl cozy, and popcorn. The staff really appreciated it. They came in handy during the lack of power and storm.
-CONFERENCE MEALS- Conferences are canceled. With the change in schedule, we will not be making conference meals for the staff.
-GIVING TREE- Thank you Jessica for stepping in and finishing it out. We have come to the conclusion that there needs to be some things done different next year. We need to have a gift list BEFORE Thanksgiving (families need to be identified in early November). Also, the turn-in time for gifts needs to be at least a week before they are to be given out (one week time to sort and wrap gifts). There are other schools where the counselor handles the whole thing. The EYST is ok handing it back over to the office. If there is a wish for the EYST to still be involved, we will need to have a realistic timeline and a committee chair.
-UP NEXT- Yoghurt Bar for staff! Staff Appreciation? What are our goals? Sara and Sylvia are going to work on a plan together. There is a possibility to have a theme for the week and then each day have a different way to use that theme to show our appreciation to our staff. We are looking into moving away from the EYST being the push behind Staff Appreciation and letting it go back to “pre-covid.”
Food Pantry: Amy- We seem to be moving in the right direction. Ron has been in communication with a church and FISH to get some food to fill the backpacks. We do have a need within our school for weekend backpacks. We do have some miscommunication on how many or how this should be getting done. There seem to be differing opinions on how many are needed and we are still working on the details. We would like to do a food drive, hopefully in March, to get some things we need for the pantry out front. It could be a competition between classes, or each grade brings a different kind of item- to raise some donations for the pantry. We would like to store the food at the school so that we can just restock the pantry when needed. It seems to be emptied about every 2 weeks when filled.
Finance: Kristin- We currently have $10,000 in checking and $18,000 savings. The $18,000 is only for emergency and not to be touched. Because of the lack of funds in the checking account we have not purchased the overhead sound system. We will be holding off on that until we have raised the funds to cover it. We also have a request for funds for a “field day” for the 4th/5th grades. It is in the $2000 range. After a bit of looking through the budget, we have found that we do have a yearly budget to cover this that was allocated for “outdoor school.” This is not “outdoor school.” Outdoor school is paid for by the state, and we will be looking into this for future classes. EYST is going to revisit the funding for field trips in general. We will be coming to a decision about how much will be allocated per student for field trips. We have filed the new Liability Insurance and the paperwork is filed in the email.
Yearbook: April- We will be judging the 5th Grade Cover Contest on Thursday, February 1st in the Library at 2:15pm. For anyone who would like to be involved in the process, please meet us there. We would love to have as many as possible there.
November 28th, 2023
Holiday Bazaar Update- Sylvia, Beth, Jessica, Amy- It was a HUGE success. Lots of
positive feedback from the public and from vendors. We had one vendor come all the
way from Vancouver to be part of our event, with over 50 vendors in total. We heard
good things about advertising- the signs were placed well. Suggestions would be to
make vendor spots 10x10 and open up outside space for anyone who might want it at a
discounted rate (for wreaths or metal works, etc). We made over $2000 in vendor fees
and about $900 for the concessions and baked sale.
Upcoming Events
Staff Gifts- Rhiannon and Cheryl are working on ideas and open to suggestions. There
are 31 staff this year some with food allergies to take into account.
Giving Tree-Sylvia is looking for anyone interested in helping with making this happen
this year. The tree will be going up in the lobby on Friday if anyone is interested in
helping contact Sylvia. Families have been identified and a link to the list will be going
out in the newsletter as well. If anyone has extra Amazon gift bags or receives any
please keep them. They can be turned into Sylvia.
Auction- I received an update over the phone from Haley. The committee met and has
started to make progress on working toward getting donation ideas in place. The caterer
has been booked and the other necessary bookings have been made. They are feeling
Resource Room, Pioneer Pantry- Amy- The resource room is currently stocked and in
good shape. We need to confirm with district what can be put into the resource room (if
gently used items are ok). Things that were made aware as needs were that the pantry
out front needs to be stocked and that there is a need for weekend backpacks for
students. We need to find out what the resources available are for these things.
Whether it is through FISH, the district, or if we as a group would like to support these
Building Use Considerations- Sylvia- We were made aware of an issue after the Big Boo.
Some Duct Tape was used on the floor in the gym it left some residue. The issue has
been resolved; however, we need to be mindful of the kinds of products we are using.
We can’t use anything but painters’ tape on flooring from here on out. Also, if we use
any classrooms, the kitchen, or any other spaces we need to leave them the same way
we found them. We need to make sure spaces are cleaned thoroughly after use.
Mr. Henderson’s Update- The drinking fountains have arrived and will be installed next
week. The PA system is coming and should be installed soon as well.
Treasury Update- Kristin Garcia is now the Official Treasurer and has taken over from Irene
Ochse. Welcome Kristin! She is asking for patience as she is learning the new system but
is happy to help anyone with requests. There was a request made to have checks cashed
quickly from fundraising events, she has agreed to that. We need to make sure that tax
receipts are given for all donations given no matter the monetary value. Amy mentioned
use of a website “Greater Giving” that helps non-profit organizations keep track of their
donations. It might be helpful with the Auction as well.
Yearbook Update- April- Yearbooks will be $23/book this year. As with inflation for everything else, the price of these has risen as well. We will be doing the 5th Grade Cover Art Contest. Information will be sent out to the 5th Grade teachers soon. We are still in need of a 2nd and 3rd grade parent to help with the collages for those grade’s pages. If you are interested in helping with that please reach out to April.
1. District Office- funding for resource room, backpacks, and pantry
a. Organization and Funding
2. Tax Deduction Paperwork made available with each donation.
October 24th, 2023
Upcoming Events
Big Boo- October 28th - 40 Volunteers Still needed, please sign up if you haven’t or if you have more availability. We will have: trunk’r’treat and games. The treats have been obtained: candy, bookmarkers, jelly skeletons. We will also be doing a raffle for a “guess how many” kind of game with larger prizes. Food is being kept to a minimum given the time of day- cookies, chips, and water. Paper reminder going out this week. SET UP on FRIDAY after school and SATURDAY 12-2 if necessary, will check with staff as to what is available.
Holiday Bazaar- November 18th - Volunteers needed for desserts to sell in Granny’s Kitchen. We are having a Bake Sale Fundraise will need -GF options as well. Currently have 36 spots filled; no library or music room yet. This year we have done away with concession stand food--- pizza, chicken and wild rice soup, pulled pork sandwiches are on the menu this time around.
Auction- November 6th, next planning meeting, actively seeking items for auction, videographer for video of kids talking about what they like about Ewing Young tug at heart strings, Online Options as well for people who can’t make it to the auction. Francisco and Bubba for MCs of Auction
MOVIE Night- Mr. Henderson is working with other schools to get a movie that we can all use to avoid copyright infringement issues. Date is set for Friday, December 1st, in the evening. This is the best day as it is before all the holiday rush. This will be an event for the whole family – not just for kids to be dropped off. Food will be limited to popcorn and Shiloh Ficek is going to look into making pizza available at event as well.
Proposed New Teacher Allocations- Class room teachers will receive $100 additional on top of the $25/student stipend they currently receive. This is to help with cost of inflation. We will still have forms available for big ticket items needed for classes that teachers are able to fill out and get approval for. Classes like Library, Music & PE will rely on form to gain extra funding and it will be granted on an as needed basis.
School Wish List- We would like people’s opinions as we go forward on what you feel are big ticket items you would like to see purchased for Ewing Young. Mr. Henderson has a list currently submitted by staff. We would like the community’s input in this as well.
Mr. Henderson’s Update-
Water bottle stations purchased to update our current drinking fountains were not what he was hoping for. Also the drinking fountains are very outdated and leaking. He would like to take out the current drinking fountains and replace them with water bottle fill stations. Every student should have a water bottle with them. If they don’t have a water bottle, they can see Mr. Henderson for one. He has extra water bottles available for use by anyone who may have forgotten or misplaced their water bottle.
Sound system has been being researched. He was able to negotiate a great deal for quality system. It will include a portable BOSE system for things like the FUN RUN and Field Day as well as an updated system for the gym and three wireless microphones to be used with both systems. All with professional instillation for about $8000. APPROVED!
REQUEST- from the music department for 21 hand drums and rhythm sticks. The current ones are in disrepair and bad shape. New ones will cost about $550.
Mission/Vision Statement-
We are looking to design both our Mission and Vision Statements to give us a better idea of our goals as a group. Looking for input from those in attendance as to what they feel are the key points to our mission - supporting staff and students, small communities with volunteers and donations, foundational life learning, better together, safe inclusion- We will use these along with some wonderful AI to get a rough draft of our Mission Statement.